Epiphany, the Word – Pastor David Schroeder

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Matthew 2:1-2; John 1:1-14; Colossians 1:15-17

They were probably Persians, the magoi who traveled from the east to find and worship the newborn king of the Jews. Like all honest seekers for truth, they were searching to know and understand prime reality, that is, the foundational principle that explains the source and reason for our existence. 


They bowed before a Jewish baby who later would be introduced as the WORD, the Logos, understood by the Greeks as the rationale of all life. And John tells us that the WORD became flesh, and all who receive Him become children of God. We may have our own epiphany as Jesus becomes personal and real to us.


Think about these truths about the Epiphany of Jesus: 

  1. The Creator, Sustainer, and Owner of the universe came to earth; Colossians 1:15-17; John 1:14
  2. He came as a baby; Matthew 2:1
  3. He was revealed to gentile astrologers who worshipped Him; Matthew 2:1-2
  4. He has co-existed eternally as God; John 1:1-3
  5. He has enlightened the world; John 1:4-9
  6. He is not recognized or well-received; John 1:10-11
  7. He enables us to be born of God; John 1:12-13