Fellowship Opportunities

(see our covid-19 response)
God’s desire for his children is that they not only connect with him, but each other. No one is called to be a “spiritual hermit.” To the contrary, as followers of Jesus, God gives us a desire and drive to connect with other believers in deep, relational ways. The following are some places where this can take place:
  • Linger Longer – On the first Sunday of each month and a continuation of our Sunday Worship, we “Linger Longer” in fellowship with a cup of coffee or tea and a light treat. Coming to church on Sunday is more than just listening to a message… it is experiencing and deepening relationships between one another in Christ.
  • Children’s Ministry– Children from infants through grade 5 are invited to join us during our Sunday Morning service for a devotional Sunday School. Our vision for the children’s ministries here at Washington Alliance Church is to empower, equip, and activate children to advance the Kingdom of God. It’s our heart that they know Him, encounter Him, and adore Him. Children learn to know Him through the Word, they encounter Him through His presence, and adore Him through a life surrendered.
  • Student Ministries –  At Washington Alliance Church we try to create an environment for students that is both spiritually and socially safe. We enjoy trips and events scattered throughout the year. A typical night at youth group involves games (such as ultimate Frisbee, kick ball, SPUD, etc), snacks, prayer, and time in the word followed by a relevant message. We are a growing group that greatly enjoys the community that we have created for ourselves at Washington Alliance Church. If you are a student between 7th and 12th grades come check us out or contact the church office for more information.
  • Women’s Ministry – Ladies, join us as we get to know one another on a deeper level at our “themed” monthly Women’s Ministry gatherings. We strive to meet the first Tuesday of each month (check the calendar for changes) for a meaningful time of worship, devotions and just plain fun! Contact the church office or visit the Welcome Desk to sign-up for the next event!
  • Men’s Ministry – “Men of Faith in Action” meet the first and third Saturday of each month from 7:00-9:00 pm to enjoy fellowship. They also engage in meaningful Bible and Christian Book studies.
  • Our annual church picnic, holiday brunches, and more…
For more information on our
Fellowship Opportunities
contact us here